Tuesday 21 February 2012


-What event occurred in the 1970s and 1980s that represent the presence of racial tensions?

In 1970 a recession caused a widespread of unemployment leaving a significant number of African and Cariiebean people out of work. The struggle the Black British faced caused riots in the 80s in many different places. the riots were a eye opener to members of the parliament of the racial discrimination the Black and Asian society were facing.

-Why do you think Pressure was made?
I think Pressure was made to help people recognize the struggles coloured people in Britain had to face just because of their skin colour. It was made to show how racial discrimination affected the coloured; didnt allow them to have proper jobs, lead them to poverty.

-What examples of racism are represented in Pressure?
.Racism is shown a lot through the police in Pressure. They stopped mainly black people showing their assumptions that all black people are criminals. they also think that all black people carry, deal and hide drugs.
-Tony is shown to have many job interviews as employers do not think he is black because of his name and also his qualifications, however is rejected fromm all of them after the employer has realised he is black.
- racism is also represented in Pressure when the girl Tony fancies (who is white) invites him to her house, but is then thrown out by the landlady as he is black.

How does the theme of collective identity come across in pressure?

The rejection of the Black British by the white brought the black population together making them a somewhat family that help and support each other. this is shown when a group of boys are seen to be sharing food and stealing together. Because of the treatment and discrimination the black population were getting they united together to form a group fighting for equality.

-How do you think Pressure differs from mainstream representations of Black Britain?

The film had a black director which would have heavily influenced the representation of Black Britain. This allowed people ot get an insite of the harsh treatment and conditions Black people had to live with. this is how Pressure differs from other mainstream representaions of Black Britain as other representations of this time do not focus on the struggles the coloured faced but the threat they caused to society.

Wednesday 1 February 2012


Investigate what was happening in Britain between 1948-1962.

-The arrival of the British windrush on the 22nd of June 1948 carried hundreds of passengers from Jamaica who wanted to begin a new life in the UK. This was the first larrge group of West Indian immigrants after the WW2. For a lot of the immigrants it was not their first time in the UK, they were servicemen and women returning from leave, however the UK was not the same as what it used to be when they lived there. They were no longer seen as a part of the war effort and were shown hostility by the British. There were complaint made agianst the immigrants by members of the parliment but the legalisation controlling immigration was not passed until 1962.

How was the social landscape changing?

- Any commonwealth citizen who wanted to work and settle in the UK had to obtain Ministry of Labour Vouchers, which were issued under the Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1962 and 1969.
There were three catogories of which the vouchers were issued in:
-Category A: For applications in this country who had a specific job to offer to a particular Commonwealth citizen.
-Category B: For applications by Coominwealth citizens without a sepcific job to come but with certain special qualifications such as nurses, teachers, and medical doctors.
Category C: For all others.

How did the changing social landscape lead to 'racialisation' of British politics?

- The British laws were more racialised which lead to a change in the social landscape. Between the years 1962 and 1971, the United Kingdom tightened controls on immigration by British subjects from other parts of the commonwealth because of fears about increasing immigration by citizens from Asia and Africa. A law which only allowed people who had strong links with the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man had the right to live and work in the UK and Islands.

How were black people represented in the film?

-In the film 'Sapphire' the fact that Sapphire was a half cast girl that passed for a white was a great shock. The realisation of her being coloured is made when her they see her brother is coloured. People are represented to be fearful of him and other black people. when investigating the murder of Sapphire all of the white people were represented to be on the right side of the law, pointing the finger and the black people straight away, showing no white person to be doing anything wrong at the beggining of the film.

How the film puts across collective identity of black British people.
At the beginning of the film it is made clear that no matter what you feel or believe inside, white people would always judge people on the what is exterior, labelling all coloured people as violent and dishonest.